Fair Logo
Sign-up for the Fair Now!

Down below is a wonderful list of days we can take God's Word to the people attending the Arizona State Fair. As many as 1.5 MILLION people go through the fair grounds. Even if only 10% pass our booth, that is 150,000 people in our highways and byways. All are worthy of knowing Christ. Sadly, many haven't a clue.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Does signing up mean I am scheduled? 
    • No! Signing up here means you are available to serve.
  • Who schedules me?
    • Each day is managed by a camp.
    • The camp manager is by default the camp president, but he could delegate this to someone else.
    • It is the camp manager's responsibility for the days you offer to work to make sure you are informed about how you will be integrated into the daily schedule.
  • Is the Weekly Coordinator the automatic replacement? No!
    • The weekly coordinator handles an entire week.
    • He is the hands and feet that makes sure you have cool water, maintains enough scriptures, generally assist the camp manager in being sure we are correctly manned for all hours the fair is open.
    • The weekly coordinator is not the fill-in for gapped hours. It is the camp manager's responsibility to handle those issues.
  • What is the minimum number of people in the booth?
    • One! That complies with AESF rules of 100% manning during open hours.
      • The fair is "open" until the Grande Ferris Wheel goes dark, typically one hour after ticket sales ends.
    • Two is our desired count at low intensity times (usually very early or very, very late).
    • Three or more during evening shifts.
  • May Auxiliary and widows help at the booth? Yes!
    • The fair is a Gideon distribution assisted by the Auxiliary.
    • Auxiliary may work in the booth with her Gideon husband only.
    • Widows may work with a Gideon/Auxiliary couple only.
    • Auxiliary whose husbands cannot work at the fair are scheduled with Gideon/Auxiliary couples only.
  • What is the appropriate dress?
    • Gideon corporate wear or Gideon casual are recommended.
    • Suit or tie is out of place and probably suicidal in the heat, but it's your life..
    • No shorts. No jeans.
    • No political wear/logos of any sort. Only the Gideon or Auxiliary emblems are allowed.
    • Wear shoes to keep you on your feet for a shift.
  • What is our focus?
    • School kids fifth grade and up.
    • Adults with those kids.
    • We will not deny a testament to anyone who asks. Try to give a brief witness.
  • What testaments do we place?
    • Any variety of Orange Sidewalk Testaments, ESV or KJV.
    • PWTs (Gideon or Auxiliary) are not necessary in the booth. You may bring your own for use outside the fairgrounds.
  • Who provides the testaments?
    • Technically, the state undistributed fund bought 20,000.
    • Mostly Scottsdale and Paradise Valley have funded this year's testaments from generous gifts to those camps to promote the faith locally.
  • How is the booth funded?
    • Camps contribute to the $6,400 annual booth cost.
  • Why are we outside?
    • Bluntly, no none walks down religion row in the Exhibition venue! Jehovah's Witness at one end and Roman Catholic at the other seem to repel the crowds.
    • AESF gives us freedom to reach out that they won't allow inside. We still must remain at the booth to maintain that freedom. 
  • Still got questions?

Change: will replace your previous submissions completely!
 Addition:   will retain your previous submissions and add additional shifts/info.
A really good way to add your lovely Auxiliary or non-Auxiliary wife! 
 Cancellation:   will cancel your previous submissions completely

* Indicates Required Information

* Personal Info:

* Contact Info:

Text Phone Call Email

* Select your camp:

You may serve at the 2024 Arizona State Fair on the following days.

See who has signed up or where we need people: AZ Fair Sign-up by Week 
      The weekly tabs are at the bottom of the Dropbox screen.

Scheduled Weeks/Days

Please click on the week to see the planned schedule. Select the shifts you can help in. The daily manager will be informed of your desire to serve.

Date Camp/Daily Manager Day of Week First Shift Second Shift Third Shift Closing Shift
- Weekly Coordinator || Terry Turner || 480-784-7789 || [email protected]

Sep 19 Phoenix Central
Terry Turner
[email protected]
Thursday 9AM Setup only 6 men required for 2-3 hours.
Sep 20 Your Camp Here Friday  Note later start 4 PM - 6 PM 6 PM - 8 PM 8 PM-Close
Sep 21 Your Camp Here Saturday  Note later start 4 PM - 6 PM 6 PM - 8 PM 8 PM-Close
Sep 22
Tucson West
Chuck Veatch
[email protected]
Sunday  Note later start 4 PM - 6 PM 6 PM - 8 PM 8 PM-Close

- Weekly Coordinator || TBD A

Sep 26 Your Camp Here Thursday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Sep 27 Your Camp Here Friday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Sep 28 Your Camp Here Saturday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Sep 29 Your Camp Here Sunday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close

- Weekly Coordinator || TBD B

Oct 3  Your Camp Here Thursday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Oct 4  Your Camp Here Friday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Oct 5  Your Camp Here Saturday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Oct 6  Your Camp Here Sunday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close

- Weekly Coordinator || TBD A

Oct 10

Brian Scheid
[email protected]

Thursday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Oct 11

Maricopa Northwest
Don Carlson
[email protected]

Friday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Oct 12 Your Camp Here Saturday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Oct 13 Glendale
Larry Rubi
[email protected]
Sunday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close

- Weekly Coordinator || TBD B

Oct 17 Scottsdale
Brian Scheid
[email protected]
Thursday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Oct 18

Maricopa Northwest
Don Carlson
[email protected]

Friday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Oct 19 Tucson North
Mitch Entrican
[email protected]
Saturday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Oct 20 Glendale
Larry Rubi
[email protected]
Sunday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close

- Weekly Coordinator || Terry Turner || 480-784-7789 || [email protected]

Oct 24 Your Camp Here Thursday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Oct 25 Maricopa Northwest
Don Carlson
[email protected]
Friday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Oct 26 Your Camp Here Saturday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Oct 27 Glendale
Larry Rubi
[email protected]
Sunday Noon-3 PM 3 - 6 PM 6 - 9 PM 9 PM-Close
Oct 28 Terry Turner Monday 9 AM Tear down only
(6 men required for 2-3 hours)


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